Masker Biolina Bio Facial Mask

Masker Biolina dapat:
Menanggalkan kotoran dan sel mati, menyegarkan dan menggalakkan pertumbuhan semula sel.
Mencegah pertumbuhan jerawat.
Menjadikan kulit kelihatan tegang, licin, gebu dan berseri.
Melambatkan proses penuaan.

It is made from piece of compressed space fibre complete with space specifically bore for eyes, nose and mouth. Thier functions are:
Remove dead skin cells.
Reduces facial wrinkles and retard the process of ageing.
Promote blood circulation of face and accelerate metabolism.
Clear up clogged pores and prevent the emergence of acne.
Activate the reproduction of cells.

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Belina Cosmetic (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.